Senin, 08 Juni 2009


Like men, women also often underestimate their own ability, especially in terms of career. Without realizing, this is ultimately harmful akan themselves. Try carefully, whether you are among the "hobby" menyabotase career of your own, gather with some of the mistakes women often done as below:

1. TOO LOW determine STANDARD

Women often serve a very low standard, so that eventually boomerang. Even with the ability to work very well also, they are often menempat-kan themselves too low. For example, Wati is a computer whiz, but reluctant to offer positions that are associated with that expertise. He prefers to sit at the table for example, administrative staff, rather than fill the position in the information technology.

2. How did not ask
Women are the creatures most like to request help. See, when the wrong way, they will be diligent to ask anyone who encountered them, while men prefer to try to find their own way. Strangely, when they are mencaripekerjaan women prefer a mouth gag. While the men even hooked on the story telling everyone that they're looking for a job.

3. Forgot merit list
Often women do not clearly explain their ability on the field that they geluti. Meanwhile, the men would often exaggerate the actual ability kuasai them only slightly. Remember, there is a clear distinction between perbedaaan do something more than that can not be done with the actual ability to write is your own

4. Pessimistic
Woman often does not learn the most of things. Meanwhile, the more motivated adam and almost always say "Yes, we are able." Not mean that men lie, lho. Optimism was indeed more important than what has been gained from experience. Which will you choose, a opimis or a pessimist?

5. MEMILIH passive
Choose from are only valid to call ahead for the relationship is not professional. Awaiting start dating a man is good, but if you are applying for a job or new clients mengincar middle, there's no one to call first, just to know the development of the next. This also shows how much enthusiasm and your interest in the field of work is.

Sometimes, saking enthusiasm, we do things very much at the interview. Indeed correct, at the time of the interview, the interviewer may want to know as much about you. However, you must clearly express your desire and ability on the job that you are interested.

7. Do not hesitate negotiate
Of course, companies that are currently open have a standard job and salary budget for new employees. But the possibility remains open for you to bid on the salary that you want. In fact, almost no companies that suddenly cancel your bid because candidates lowongannya only female employees to request a salary higher than that offered, is not it?

If you do not get the job, while you actually really want to work on a specific company or project, no one asks for an opportunity where you can work alias is not paid internships. This opportunity should be utilized to show your ability and you have bakatbakat.

9. Reasons NOT KNOW
What do you do when you failed to enter the new employee selection reception? If you have to do is call and find out the causes of failures, your step itusangat right. Most do not, you know you lack and excess, so it can better prepare themselves if an when the entrance test in other companies. So, each time after interviewed, to tell or ask the interviewer if you may know the reason for your failure.

10. Scared repeat FAILURE
Many of the women who often feel beaten when the interview failed, and even fear restart. In fact, repeat and failure-ngulang constantly remember exactly akan sharpen the skills you have entered the test work.
If you feel have made a mistake, learn from that mistake. But do not repeat the mistake-ngulang is only to blame themselves. If you're already doing the best, say the self you know you are doing the best

Duties as a housewife is not working. Such opinion is not correct, especially that living in the house as the mother can not be considered to improve as individuals. Did you know that most of the mothers who stay at home feel it is always to learn and increase knowledge? You should also be aware that the profession is also a mother actually double as a finance manager, as they must manage the household budget.