Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

Children need the care of Mother

I agree with the observation that Mrs. T in our current culture of corruption increases the need for a mother to supervise the training of their children, with special attention. But the Church has not defined the role of wife and mother in terms of time: what a vocation means eternal and immutable.

children need the care of Mother

Everyone knows that in 1941 the customs were much less corrupt, especially in countries which were still Catholic. However, Pius XII was telling the woman at its fundamental and irreplaceable role in the formation of their children, and stressing the obligation of a great mother and do not neglect this with indifference. Today, these principles apply even more so.
In his address to the mothers, Pope Pius XII emphasized the importance of the early formation of the three aspects, mind, character and heart. (6) The mother's watchful eye on the physical and moral safety of their children, find a poor replacement, in my view, occupied by a paid employee in a nursery.

But the need for vigilance in fact increases as the child grows and enters adolescence. The Pontiff said:

"Then the mother Catholic must prepare their children so they can spend with unwavering step, as those who choose its path between the snakes, through this time of crisis and physical change, and go through it without losing anything from the joy of innocence, preserving intact the natural instincts of modesty, which Providence has given them as collateral for the capricious passion "(7). It also specifies the particular importance of the mother in training daughters:

"She prepares her daughters to know and understand the vocation of wife and mother. At the side of her mother, she learned their craft, care and duties of the household, and shared the care of their younger brothers and sisters, for Consequently, developing their gifts and abilities and train herself in the art of government from the family home "