Jumat, 13 November 2009

Women's long career Healthier

career healthier

Scientists in England say married women who struggled with an active career and a home condition was much better than ordinary housewife.

In a study of British women born in 1946, scientists found those with a number of roles, such as career women and housewives, or a single parent while working are likely to have health conditions that are far better than those who merely just a mom's house stairs.

Women who have just one role in life as just a housewife or working woman who remained single general decline of health conditions are quite clear upon reaching middle age.

"The report says women who have two or more roles within a period long enough to have kept good health condition when he reached the age of 54 years," said Dr Anne McMunn of University College, London.

"Women tend to have careers health conditions are generally good because they combine career and family life," said McMunn.

McMunn and his team analyzed health reports from 2000 women in the age range 26 to 54 years and associated with weight loss. Besides also involve information on marital status, tenure and number of children they have, which are all published in the journal Epidemiology and Community Health.

The researchers found women who only do the role as a housewife most of her life have health conditions that are far from healthy standard, followed by a mother who only act as a single parent and the latter are those who do not have kids or stay single.

not actively working to make fat
Housewives tend to have more overweight and obesity rapidly with the level of the average highest around 38 percent, while the role of women as wives, mothers and career is very little overweight.

McMunn said the truth had been known for a long time that women who combine several roles in his life and career of family have a good health condition. But it is unclear whether they work and family because they are healthy or unhealthy because it combines the role of wife, mother and career as well. And this study is the first and still will continue to see which is more play.

"There could be a big profit or benefit provided for health for the long term with the ability to participate in the various fields of social life," said McMunn.

Senin, 09 November 2009

Balanced Career Woman

Balanced career woman

Career woman

Being a successful super woman undergoing a dual role as a career woman and always focus on the family is not easy. Moreover, for women in big cities like Jakarta, which the extraordinary traffic, other than the time required to share smart, super women are also obliged to continue to hone their skills so as not to miss. How to do tricks?

1. Determine what is important
Those who successfully make the balance are the ones who can make a priority so that the time and effort was spent in vain. Technological advances have made the work and personal life together, because that act selectively and do a time audit.

"Successful people can make a good schedule and remove unnecessary activities," said Henry Cloud, author of The One-Life Solution: Reclaim Your Personal Life While Achieving Greater Professional Success. In addition to the daily schedule at the office, also noted the daily schedule and all the little household affairs, so you can monitor, manage, and control what is done.

2. Couple that supports
Talk to your husband so that he gave his full support, as well as a place to share, a supportive husband is a husband who will share operational duties in the household. Carole-Lynn Glass, the mother of two children, one of whom suffered from cerebral palsy, was able to pursue his profession as a manager at the consulting firm. His success is supported by husbands who actively assist and flexible time from his office.

3. Affirmed the role of mother
According to Diane Halpern, professor of psychology and former chair of the American Psychological Association, there are still many women who think a good mother who had time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the baby. And you need not quantity time together, but the quality. Make a definition of the ideal mother and execute that role wholeheartedly.

4. Create realistic expectations
In order to successfully perform a dual role, create realistic expectations in the office. They realized, in addition to a career, no housework, kids, and husband who need special attention. Therefore, make realistic career goals so that you do not run out of energy. Keep in mind, the higher the stress level of a job, the higher the stress level at home mom.

5. Create constraints
It is not easy to switch roles in a single day, from career woman by day into a housewife after work. One way is to focus on one thing only. For example when in the office do not even think of home affairs. When you arise in the child's sense of missed, call home to hear his voice and make sure your baby's fine. Similarly, if you have returned to the house, the biological role as mothers as well as possible.